When I was 12 the skate park was my hangout. You know the age... too young to go to gigs but too old to be seen dead with your parents. So my friends and I would spend our days relaxing, soaking up sun and catching up with the skaters, oh and not forgetting the countless fully clothed swims in the sea! We had everything we could wish for, seaside, warm summer air, and fish and chips!
In the two years I spent hearing the 'clak-clak' of skaters falling off their boards or the sound of bmx-ers sliding along the grind bar I developed a love of all things skate and surf. Still do this day I love the urban style of the extreme lifestyle!
The first skate shoe I remember would have to be the Osiris D3. These were the biggest shoes ever, I used to catch my feet when I moved which forced me to walk with a gangster bowl!

These shoes are amazing! The massive lace holes which resemble something like a caterpillar, the air bubbles and the moulding of the sole flows and looks balanced. But by far the most memorable thing about these trainers was how comfortable they were. They were pretty much padded, which probably explains why they're so big. The tongue was ultra padded, I came to the conclusion it must be so skaters aren't damaged by their boards when they stack.
Although I didn't skate, deciding to sit on the 3ft did create the problem of being hit by flying limbs or boards. I can safely say these shoes did protect my feet from being hurt, although my shins did suffer the consequences in the end.
Since my days hanging out at the park my preference has branched towards more fashionable styles with prints and different materials. But the D3's were perfect for me back then, and ever since my shoes have been chunky.
These shoes along with the experience is what sparked my love for skate shoes.
(Photography courtesy of Emily Stuff & Kikfoto - Flickr)
Awesome trainers deffo check these out: http://www.schuh.co.uk/adidas/womens-light-grey-adidas-trefoil-hi/1919