DC's have been ever present
in my shoe collection, their styles range from simple monochrome patterns, to clashing neon's and sparkling metallics! I think the key to their success is diversity and simplicity, they do a shoe for everybody!

DC's have become more popular in recent years, for me this can only be a good thing. When I first started rocking skates there weren't many shops that sold them so I'd find a load of kids I knew would have the same kicks!
This was a disaster, as anyone knows it's totally embarrassing walking into a room to find someone else wearing the same gear! However as time went on DC's seemed to be popping up everywhere, but this time they were appearing in more shops, each having different styles!
This was brilliant, the chance of being shown up by some teeny bopper trying to look cool had decreased dramatically and I was free to buy my shoes without fear!
Ever since then DC's have been a safe buy, to this day I've owned at least 7 pairs and have 2 currently in my possession. Each other pair have regrettably been worn to death, but they've served me well and I've looked great every step of the way! :P

Photography Courtesy of Featurette, Sally_monster and BuddaMunx - Flickr)